Friday, May 15, 2009

Lookee What I Got ~ Not Sharin' Either!

Woooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo! I got a super neat craft project in the mail today! Thank you DeeDee and the Craft It Forward adventure!!

Check out this cupcake! I have seen them online in different places but didn't quite get it .. now I can see ~ it's layers with all my flavorites .. chocolate .. strawberry .. whip cream and even a cherry WITH stem on top! The RicRack trim is great detail along with the "Sweet" warning .. so I guess instead of trying to eat it maybe I'll just prop it up on my desk and let the others peek and wonder!

I really have to get busy this weekend and make my projects to send out ..


  1. So glad you recived this and liked it...hahaha! cannot wait to see your craft it forwards..
