Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Gorgeous Rose!

Gorgeous Rose!

Thanks to DeeDee (ddsdoubles) at PcCrafter I was able to play with this gorgeous rose photo she posted today ~ !

Starting with her original picture:Rose,DeeDee (isn't it purty!!)

And Using PSP8 (Paint Shop Pro 8) Thanks to Laurie at Creative Adventures!!

I took the original picture and opened it in PSP8.

Using SHIFT + D I made a copy of the original (so I didn't ruin original)

Once I had the copy, I just closed out the original and the copy is my working version to play with.

On the layer pallete, right side of my screen, I right-clicked where it said background and chose the option to "Promote Background Layer"

Then on left side of my screen is my toolbar for tool selections .. and I wanted the Freehand Selection tool and my preference is the following:

Type: Smart Edge
Mode: Add
Feather: 60
Range: Blank
Smoothing: 0
AntiAlias: Checked

Ok ..with me so far? Now using the tool, go to the part of the image you want to 'mist' .. this means clicking around the pretty part (for me the rose itself) til you have what you want selected .. when the 'ends' of the line meet, you just click the right mouse button to join them. You should see a shape of 'marching ants' around the selected area.

Go to the top of screen, and choose Selections, then choose Invert

All of a sudden you will see a much smaller area of your photo with the little ants .. that's ok, that's what you want!

Now, go to your layers pallets and make sure you don't have any colors selected in the Background/Fill properties box (the lower right box) .. you just have to click the little icon thingy to deselect the color and make it transparent.

Now hit your "delete' key one time .. you will see a significant difference in your photo! Continue to delete until you like what you have .. if you don't like just go to file/undo at the top of the page.

When ready, go to top of screen and choose Select / None .. the ants go away and you are left with your misted image.

You can now create a 'tube' if you want, or continue by adding a layer and a background to finalize your project. I had fun! Course I'm easily entertained . . . this is my finished 'mist'
rose,misted,DeeDee and once again ~ thanks to DeeDee and Laurie! ;o)


  1. Wow you are soooooo good!! no way in frickin hell could I EVER do that!!!! the most crafty thing I can do is make babies!! lOL

    LOve ya Mudder bear!!!

  2. Thanks what a beautiful way to present this...thanks for giving me credit...hugs

  3. Thanks so much for the credit for psp. best program around. lol the rose is gorgeous both versions.

  4. WOW thanks for posting how you did the rose!! Really LOVE the effects!I have sooo much to learn using the graphics.
